Phone-a-Thon Information


Beginning in 2011, our chapter has hosted a student-led Phone-a-Thon each February.  Prior to the date of the drive, we present a short informational meeting at Tri-West for all students.  The kids have responded in great number to our presentation and request for volunteers.  Near the end of February or beginning of March, they arrive in throngs to the media center.  They energetically and professionally contact our sponsors and district residents to ask for pledges.  These pledges fund our scholarships for the current year.  

All graduating seniors who plan to enroll in post-secondary education are encouraged to apply for the scholarships that are funded by our phone-a-thon.   The number of scholarships awarded are in direct proportion to the amount of funds raised.


Our program was formed after the successful Speedway High School Phone-a-thon.  We have also passed our program framework onto the Cloverdale and Edgewood Dollars for Scholars Chapters.  Many chapters and students around the state are benefitting from local community Dollars for Scholars Phone-a-thons. 


We would like to thank our community, school administration, technology department, K&J Communications and our outstanding students for their contributions and support!  We look forward to many years of successful scholarship funding through this program!